What Goes Up Must Come Down.

For those of you expecting an update on the trip you might want to give this post a miss and go and watch a video of dogs failing to catch balls or something.

In fact here is a link – http://youtu.be/ltS0G7KA7XQ

This post is purely about ‘mental stuff’ in the hope that getting it off my chest and sharing it with whoever decides to read it will make me feel a bit better (its has so far). There will be another trip related post at some point during the week after I have spoken to GPS Kevin.

You have been warned…….

This weekend I learned that when doctors and therapists tell you to stay away from alcohol for a while it is for good reason.

I have been taking an anti-depressant called citalopram for about three weeks now and it seems to have had a few positive affects. My mood has been lifted and I have been feeling much lighter. I have also been avoiding alcohol since my first doctors appointment a couple of months ago.

This weekend was a big social occasion that I had been working towards/looking forward to for weeks. A couple of close friends had taken over a pub and were turning it into a venue for live music,comedy and general fun times. They only had a few weeks to complete the work so I had been going down when ever I was off work to help with the build.

Because of all this I thought I would run the risk and have a few drinks to celebrate   the opening.

A blurry pick of a half finished light box –

I did a bit of online research before hand to see if anyone had experienced any ill affects from mixing alcohol and citalopram.

Some people said that drinking while being on the drug had made no difference at all,some said that after a couple of glasses of wine they felt like they had been on a 12 hour binge while one person said that they had to go home half way through the night to change their underwear and trousers because…… well I think you can work out why !

Everyone knows that google is full of hypochondriacs. ‘Google’ headache and you will have people telling you that you have a brain tumour,got a blocked nose ? That’s nose aids,that slight ache in your left knee ? That’s outer siberian thrombosis (google it,its real).

So I thought that as I was feeling so good about everything I would pack a spare pair of boxers and find out for myself.

The night started well,catching up with loads of friends that I hadn’t seen for ages and generally feeling good. But after the second pint I could feel myself getting ‘that sinking feeling’ anyone who has been depressed or a bit  down in the dumps will know what I am talking about.

Now normally at this point I would have just vanished without a word and gone home but that’s what the old me would have done and I am trying to make him a thing of the past so instead I made a quick call to V Czul for some moral support and decided to keep my chin up,stick around,have a couple more drinks and try to have some fun.

Well,that lasted for about twenty minutes. Its not right to go into details publicly but I saw some stuff that turned ‘that sinking feeling’ into ‘that drowning feeling mixed with a double shot of angry,violent idiot’.

So rather than getting myself barred on the opening night of a venue that I had spent weeks helping build for smashing a certain persons face in with a bar stool I got my coat,gave my 4th pint away and got the hell out of there. I walked home feeling horrible and like I was back to square one.

So my google review of alcohol and citalopram.

1 out or 5.

Had 4 pints,lost all positivity and gained a shit load of sadness mixed with anger/violence.Also just to rub salt in the wound I woke up the next morning feeling like I had drank a whole bottle of Jack Daniels.

Its now Sunday afternoon, I had my last drink at about midnight on friday and I have missed a whole weekend of fun and I am still feeling low.

It would be a 0 out of 5 review but I made it home ‘un-soiled’ so it gets one star.

Another lesson learned,no more booze for me for a while.

3 thoughts on “What Goes Up Must Come Down.

  1. I think it takes a few months for the drug to actually settle down in your body too. It sounds like there was quite a shitty trigger causing you to react the way you did also. It’s ok- up and down and side to side is the nature of the journey! You still worked/work hard and that work isn’t undone. I guess just leave the barstools next time (but well done for not soiling yourself) xx


  2. Your self control is admirable. Both in the bowel, temper and alcohol regions. Many people would simply have downed more to cover feelings, but not you sir. You are a man in charge of his own destiny and I salute you. Soda and lime soon I hope x


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