Day One.

The day started with a frosty goodbye from my good friend Victoria. Apparently F*cking Tom her F*cking boyfriend had woken her up at f*cking 5am to check that she had set the alarm and so she had no f*cking sleep.

After creeping around her room a bit and sitting on her legs I had enough of being shouted at and headed on my way to Heathrow.

I have never been in an airport on my own before so it was a little daunting but surprisingly I didn’t get searched by security and made it on to the plane without any hassle.

Fake Franco made friends with the American Airline ladies at the airport …
He also had fun riding on the escalator…

After trying (and failing) to convince the flight stewards to take Fake Franc into the cockpit for a photo with the pilots  I settled down in my seat ready for the 7 and a bit hour flight.

This is the first long haul flight I had been on so I didnt really know what to expect. After the initial thrill of taking off wore off quickly and it became apparent that these planes are not designed for 6 foot 3 men with long legs and bad backs. I struggled to get comfortable for the whole flight and I am glad I have booked a seat with more leg room for the return journey.

I watched birdman which was a bit rubbish,American Sniper which was pretty good and gave me some tips of what to look out for while on the road and Walk the Line which is a great film. There was a fair bit of turbulence along the way which shook things up a bit……. literally,LOLZ.

Fake Franco enjoying the view out of the window.

The flight went pretty quickly and I suddenly found myself in New York feeling massively overwhelmed and wondering what the hell I have got myself into.

Again I cleared security without being fisted and hung around chain smoking waiting for the shuttle bus to the hotel.

The hotel is in a pretty rough neighbourhood and I am going to be pretty paranoid about leaving my scooter outside over night but its only for one night so I am sure it will be fine. I was planning on heading into the city but jet lag has hit me pretty hard so I ordered some takeaway food,had a shower and now me and FF are settling down for an early night…
The plan for tomorrow is to get up early,get all the customs crap sorted for my scoot,pick it up and then make my way back through New York to the hotel. I am shitting myself about riding on the wrong side of the road but I am sure it wont take me long to get used to it.

Once all that is done and I have checked that I can still fit everything on my scoot ( seem to have more stuff now then I did when I did a dry run in my garage) I am going to head in to the city,do some touristy shit,eat a load of food and find a dark and intimidating bar to try and make some friends in.

Its now 02:10 in my mind so I am off to sleep before I start babbling even more nonsense.

I cant believe I am actually here !

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