Day 13 – URGH.

Total miles – Exactly the same as yesterday my scooter hasn’t left the car park all day.

I have confused myself a little bit now because I wrote yesterdays blog this morning but it was written in a way that covered last night so I suppose this post is just a continuation from the one I wrote earlier….get it ?

After struggling to get out of bed due to the hangover god ‘El Bastardo’ sitting on my head I stubbled into the shower to try and revive myself as best I could. I remembered that the hotel lady had highly recommended the showers the night before (I am not sure if this was a hint) so I thought I would see what the fuss was all about.

Well,well,well I wasnt disappointed. The pressure was good the temperature was spot on and this thing had more jets than a community production of west side story. Not only did it have the main normal shower bit it also had about 6 other heads that blast out at you from the wall as well as a seperate hand shower bit.

The shower worked its magic and I felt a little more healthy so I headed downstairs to see if there was anywhere locally I could get a good breakfast (I had missed the hotel breakfast due to being alseep).They recommended a place called Culprit  which was just around the corner. Apparently their bread is so good they supply most of the city.

I wandered around the corner and ordered myself a frittata sandwich which came with swiss cheese and onions. This thing was so nice I ordered another one and sat at the bar talking to the chef and a few other people about my trip and how hungover I was. I had only met this girl for a couple of minutes and she already had me sussed out ‘you say you’re not going to drink but I get I find you propping up one of the bars later’ she said. I refuted this notion and tonight I am going to ignore my craving for more cider and stay locked in my hotel room just to prove that stranger who I will never see again wrong.

They gave me a couple of stamps so that I could send a post card home and left them to wander around town. Omaha is a cool little place with its own market,lots of cool arty shops,plenty of bars and nice old buildings. It wasnt what I was expecting at all when I booked the hotel especially after spending a couple of days in Iowa.

I saw this cool old pick up while I was out and about –

After being outside for as long as I could bear I headed back to the hotel room to write a postcard to Franco and Nila and start making plans for tomorrow. I thought I had booked a hotel when I was drunk last night in a place called ‘Big Springs’ which is right on the Nebraska/Colorado border but I couldn’t find a confirmation email so I called them up to check and it turned out they had no booking in my name.

I finished finalising my route across the state and then started looking for something to eat.


Now a couple of years ago I tried going vegan for a while but was defeated by my love of eggs and cheese. Anyone who has tried vegan cheese will know that it mostly tastes like cheese if cheese were made of sick. However a new cheese alternative called Daiya has been created and I have been hassling them with a facebook message every few months demanding that they start shipping to the UK.While I was looking for food I noticed a place that did vegan pizzas and I called them up to check what cheese they used and it turns out they use Daiya.

I ordered up a pizza,ate it and I must say the vegan cheese tasted very much like normal cheese,I was very impressed and will be trying to smuggle some back to the UK if I remember.

Anyway I sure you were a fascinated by that last section,its been a slow day and I had to fill the page with something. You’re lucky I haven’t taken a photo of the pizza box just to take up a bit more space.

So tomorrow I ride 350 miles across Nebraska and for some reason I am strangely looking forward to it. See you all tomorrow,Im off for a beer.

One thought on “Day 13 – URGH.

  1. Hello tipper, it’s so excited to read your daily comments. Waiting everyday unpatiently. Tomorrow you will do 350 miles. İt mean about 565km distance. Your scooter can handle it? Cause weather very hot and it has just fan cooling. Meanwhile l also have lml 200cc my max distance was 100km. Unsal


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